You know how much I love to repurpose things and make them one of a kind! I’ve rounded up 12 different DIY projects you can do to makeover your old shoes!
Click “read more” below to see the gallery and links:
Living a simple, creative life in #smalltownusa Bryson City, NC. Renovating a 1960s ranch house and an old train depot. Thank you for reading! Read more in my about section.
just wanted to let y’all know I added you to my favorite blogs. I’ve been following you for years.
I don’t get nearly as much traffic as you but my 62 date night ideas has been a hit 😉
Thanks for sharing such wonderful posts!
Here is the link if you’s like to see it!
I recently found you again after being away from the internet for a long while. I love your tutorials. They have inspired me to be more creative in my own life. The first tutorial I used was the reverse applique. I made a butterfly, my baby loves them.
P.S. The leggings are ridiculous but more power to you. Also, I can’t believe you had the guts to show your butt on the internet!
Just discovered this fantastic tutorial and have linked to it on our blog for women with big feet It’s perfect for women like us who have big feet and love shoes with a passion but don’t want to suffer from wallet-strain!
What’s a girl got to do to have her shoe makeover spotlighted? Shesh 😉
Years ago when my daughter was going to one of the formal dances while in high school we couldn’t find the perfect color shoes to go with her dress. I bought spray adhesive and mixed two colors of glitter to match the dress color. I sprayed the shoes and heavily covered those shoes. They came out a ‘perfect match’. Moms are creative people 🙂
i would like to know if we can use fabric color on a shoe instead of spray paint???