As an artist I love looking back on work I’ve done to see how my style has changed and progressed over the years. I’ve always been diligent about taking pictures and documenting paintings and projects but there are a few that got away. I refer to them as my “lost paintings.” I know other artists probably go through the same thing. My friend Shari sold her first painting at age 19 and in her exact words it was her “absolute favorite painting” that she ever painted and she doesn’t have a picture of it.
Ten Dollar DIY Hand-print Plaque
You have probably seen all the DIY hand-print plaque kits in the craft stores…. they don’t always look that great…. or turn out that great. I wanted to get a professional one done for Sienna but I couldn’t find a place that creates them closer than 100 miles from Palm Desert (plus they can get pretty pricey).

Mac Photo Books
I love my Mac. I really, really love my Mac. I love iPhoto. I love Photo Booth. I love iWeb. It makes everything so easy because all the different programs “talk” to each other. Today I realized that I probably need a memory upgrade. I guess having over 4,000 photos and a couple hundred hours of home movies has started to slow down my trusty little computer. That 4,000 doesn’t even include anything from 2007. I already archived those on DVD and sent them to my husband’s office in case the house burns down!
Excerpts From Sienna 2008 Book
If you don’t have a Mac you can download software products such as My Publisher or Kodak Gallery to make a similar photo book. There are so many different things you can do with these programs. Here are just a few ideas….please share more if you have them!