If you have any type of area dedicated to crafting, painting or general projects in your house (or want to) you HAVE to pick up a copy of Cloth, Paper, Scissors’ new special publication Studios at your local bookstore (in the magazine section). It showcases 25 inspiring studios that are amazing. Seriously, you have to pick it up just to see Tim Holz’s studio…it looks more like a store and I am SO envious of his organization. I love to see where people work…..if you have photos of your workspace send me a link and I’ll put together a “studios” post!
My parents have been visiting which means I have had free time galore this week! I put up more shelves in my studio and it motivated me to clean up a bit. I am very thankful that my husband has dedicated an entire room as my studio. He puts up with a lot. Many times I have projects going on simultaneously in the dining room, outside on the patio, in the garage, on the driveway ….anywhere I can find space. I took photos of my newly organized studio and share them below!
My sewing side of my studio…..
The “everything else” side of my studio…..

My desk is just a 3 foot wide door I bought at Home Depot one day and placed across 2 small bookshelves. I built shelves above and around my workspace using a track system. All you need is a stud-finder and a drill and a skill-saw.

I use old cigar boxes that I pick up at cigar stores to hold stamp sets, carving sets and other things I want to keep together in one place.

Spools of thread……
Pens, pencils, crayons, markers…..
Little jars of little things…..
Paint brushes worn to the nub…..
A stash of old journals…..
Favorite journaling and crafting books just within reach…..
Jars of buttons and stamps…..
A shelf of trinkets and random finds…..
A random stash of stuff in a drawer…no idea where I got the roll of “Jesus” tape…..
Orphaned photos I picked up in antique stores…..
Here is Sienna getting into my ribbon (and…yes…she is still wearing Santa/Frosty pjs in April…it is a battle I lost). I can’t imagine any space more tempting for a 2-year-old than an art studio. Last night we were having a dinner party and I found her in my studio trying to thread the sewing machine…and amazingly she was getting pretty close to having it threaded!
Have a great Friday!